Mrs. Texas United America 2014

Mrs. Texas United America 2014
Crystal White, Mrs. Texas United America 2014

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Pageantry helps build Valuable Interview and Presentation Skills!

      Interview, presentation, and overall communication skills are essential for success in today's marketplace.  These are invaluable skills that must be honed and polished as much as possible.  Pageantry really helps provide these life skills! I used to NEVER feel confident and easily intimidated when approaching a job interview. Especially is I REALLY wanted the position.  Pageantry is a great preparation for that aspect of the world. 
        At the Mrs. Texas United America 2014 Pageant, I not only won the title but I also won the Overall Interview Award! This is a huge accomplishment considering I remember a time when I would literally start sweating at the THOUGHT of being put on the spot in an interview. Now, I feel confident that I can go into any interview with my head held high and have the confidence to put my best stiletto-clad foot forward. 
       I had the most amazing Pageant Coach help me through the process of learning how to become the best version of myself and communicate more effectively.  I encourage ANYONE that would like to be better polished in interview skills or just pageantry in general to contact Kayla Wharton with Capture the Crown. I really mean wont be sorry. Her website is
       In pageantry interviews as well as job interviews, you should appear as confident, grounded, calm and poised as possible.  You want to be able to energetically communicate your position and message in the best way possible. Here are just a few tips I have learned in pageantry and had success when applying to the business world:

  1. Write down your general thoughts about your mission and vision for your life! Companies have mission and vision statements for their brands and so should you! YOU are your brand and you should have an idea of  what you want out of life. That's the first step in going after it! If you know who you are and what you can answer most questions about yourself!
  2. It's okay not to know the answer to every question. Most of the time people remember how you reacted and addressed things you weren't sure of rather then the words you said. If you appear calm and confident and admit what you don't know and emphasize what you DO know...that's what people will remember. Remember it isn't always WHAT you say..but HOW you say it.
  3. Know what you would say to the question..."Tell me about yourself." This is a hard question for people! No one knows about you more than YOU! Get comfortable telling 2 or 3 brief highlights about yourself that are memorable!
  4. Know and learn about the position you are applying for. Whether it be for a pageant title or a job...KNOW about the organization and company! When they are wrapping up the job interview and ask you if you have any questions....Know enough about the company to ask a few insightful and thoughtful questions. This is memorable to employers because it shows that you have researched the position and the company.
        I was so happy to volunteer for a Mock Interview Session with my pageant pals Angela Pollard and Amanda Van Sickle.  Wonderful ladies that truly enjoy helping other young ladies develop and hone their life skills!
Mock Interview Session Judges November 9th in Dallas
Right to Left: Angela Pollard, Amanda Van Sickle, Douglas Green, and Crystal White, Mrs. Texas United America 2014

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