Mrs. Texas United America 2014

Mrs. Texas United America 2014
Crystal White, Mrs. Texas United America 2014

Saturday, January 10, 2015

The BEST Pageant Coaching-Capture the Crown with Kayla Wharton

       Thank you Kayla Wharton with Capture the Crown for featuring me on your website! Capture the Crown is truly the best coaching for ALL your pageant needs! Here is the website for you to check out!
       Kayla has coached me on ALL aspects of pageantry and without her help and guidance, I would not have won my state competition! She does an amazing job with hair and makeup, pageant walk coaching, paperwork and ad preparation and even help me win an OVERALL HIGH SCORE INTERVIEW portion at my state competition. A prize that was worth $1000 at the Texas United America Pageant.  The best part of she truly CARES about each one of her clients and the information she gives is CUSTOM to YOU...not from a book or from generic information she provides to everyone. It is a self improvement plan designed specifically for YOU! I hope you check her out for all your pageant needs!

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